St. Theresa Work Day

Saturday, March 29

Please sign up for 1, 2 or 3 hours.

Lunch will be provided.

Lent Activities and Resources

100th Jubilee

Check out the events and celebrations for the upcoming year.



Schedule a Mass Intention

Schedule a Mass Intention Online.

Use the following link to schedule and pay for a Mass Intention.

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil:  5:00 pm

Sunday Mass 9:00 am

The Sunday 9:00 am Mass is live-streamed on our Youtube Channel for the Homebound and Ill.

Assisted Listening available at Weekend Masses

There are two ways to enjoy crisp, clear audio in the church for our weekend Masses.
Option 1:  Download the app, connect to the church wireless network, put in you earbuds, open the app and you are set. The WiFi password you will need to connect to our wireless network will be available at the sound system desk before and after Mass.
Option 2:  Assisted Listening Devices are available at our weekend Masses.  You can check out a device at the sound system desk prior to Mass.

Weekly Friday Flocknote Newsletter

Read the current copy of the Friday Flocknote Newsletter

Sign-up to receive the Friday Flocknote Newsletter.

Helping Hands

We are a welcoming, active Catholic community

united by our faith, open to transformation,

growing spiritually and reaching out to love and to serve others

as Jesus taught us.

Brothers and sisters, do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power. Help the Pope and all those who wish to serve Christ and with Christ's power to serve the human person and the whole of mankind. Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ.

Pope John Paul Ii
Pope St. John Paul II

New Here?

That's okay. We love visitors. Even if you're not Catholic.

We follow our Lord Jesus Christ. He's our joy, our life, our love, and He is everything to us. We invite you to come experience the joy and peace of knowing and following our Savior, who truly lives and reigns as our King and Prince of Peace.

Get Connected!

Essentially, being Catholic is a heavenly gift intended to allow us to become fully human, fully alive, fully invested with the beauty of our awesome God!

2021-06-04 - 8th Grade Graduation

2021-06-03 - Baccalaureate Mass


Parish News