Staff Contact Information
Parish Main Line 510.547.2777
Parish Office: ext. 120
Parish Office: (direct line) 341.202.0077
Rev. Robert J. McCann: Pastor
ext. 121
(direct line) 341.202.0159
Rev. Ngema W. Enow: In Residence
ext. 128
(direct line) 341.202.0137
Cathy Brady: Liturgy Director
ext. 126
(direct line) 341.202.0086
Rob Cakebread: Music Ministry Director
ext. 127
(direct line) 341.202.0139
Joey Gutierrez: Youth Ministry Coordinator.
ext. 123
(direct line) 341.202.0134
Keri Nims: Coordinator for Early Childhood Catechesis and RCIC
Alicia Ortegon: St. Theresa School Principal
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