Parish Staff

RRev. Robert J. McCannev. Robert J. McCann
(direct line)  341.202.0159
(510) 547.2777, ext. 121
Fr. NgemaRev. Ngema W. Enow
In Residence
(direct line) 341.202.0137
(510) 547.2777, ext. 128
Cathy Brady
Cathy Brady
Liturgy Director
(direct line) 341.202.0086
(510) 547.2777, ext. 126


Rob Cakebread
Rob Cakebread
Music Ministry Director
(direct line) 341.202.0139
 (510) 547.2777, ext. 127
                                          Joey Gutierrez
Youth Ministry Coordinator
                                                       Middle School & High School
(direct line) 341.202.0134
(510) 547.2777, ext. 123
                                            [email protected]
Keri Nims
Keri Nims
Coordinator for Early Childhood Catechesis and RCIC
    (direct line) 341.202.0076
(510) 547.2777, ext. 124
Alicia Ortegon
  St. Theresa School Principal

Parish Office Hours

Parish Center (2nd floor)
Tuesday - Thursday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Parish staff is available outside of office hours by email.

30 Mandalay Road
Oakland, CA  94618
(510) 547-2777
Parish Office, ext. 120
(direct line) 341.202.0077
After Hours Medical Emergency & Emergency Line
(510) 610-7715

Mass Times

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
Sunday: 9:00 am

Sunday 9:00 am Mass is live-streamed for the ill and homebound. Use the link on our Facebook page.


Daily Mass Times

Monday-Friday: 8:30 am


Confession Times

Saturday: 4-4:30 pm
or by appointment



Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday of the Month
9:00 am - 4:30 pm