Daily Scripture Readings
USCCB Daily Readings
The daily readings in English from the USCCB
Lecturas del Dia
Las lecturas diarias en español de la USCCB.
You may also subscribe to receive the Daily Readings from the USCCB in your email every morning.
Staff Contact Information
Parish Main Line 510.547.2777
Parish Office: ext. 120
Parish Office: (direct line) 341.202.0077
Rev. Robert J. McCann: Pastor
ext. 121
(direct line) 341.202.0159
Rev. Ngema W. Enow: In Residence
ext. 128
(direct line) 341.202.0137
Cathy Brady: Liturgy Director
ext. 126
(direct line) 341.202.0086
Rob Cakebread: Music Ministry Director
ext. 127
(direct line) 341.202.0139
Joey Gutierrez: Youth Ministry Coordinator.
ext. 123
(direct line) 341.202.0134
Keri Nims: Coordinator for Early Childhood Catechesis and RCIC
Alicia Ortegon: St. Theresa School Principal