Mass and Confession Times

Online Prayer Request for the Sick or Recently Deceased

You can  submit names for the Prayers of the Faithful (Prayers for the Sick or recently Deceased) online. Please complete the form below, and their name(s) will be added to the weekly bulletin and the Prayers of the Faithful at the weekend Masses.
This form is not for Mass Intentions.
To request a Mass intention contact the parish office 510.547.2777, ext. 120 or [email protected]

Prayers for Sick or Recently Deceased

Ash Wednesday

Christmas Mass at Night

Christmas Concert

Fourth Sunday of Easter/First Eucharist Liturgy

Confirmation 2024

Third Sunday of Lent, March 23, 2025

Second Sunday in Lent

First Sunday of Lent, March 9, 2025

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Times

Weekday Mass Schedule

Monday - Friday  ~  8:30 AM


Weekend Mass Schedule *

Saturday Vigil ~ 5:00 pm

Sunday  ~  9:00 am

* Weekend schedule subject to change on Christmas and Easter.

Low Gluten hosts are available at all weekend Masses. The hosts are less that 20 parts per million gluten, under .002%.
For additional information go to
Please use the presider's communion station to receive a low gluten host.


Holy Days

As published in the Friday Flocknote and bulletin.

The 9:00 am Sunday Mass is live-streamed on our Youtube channel for the HOMEBOUND and ILL.

Sunday Live-Stream Mass

Assisted Listening available at Weekend Masses

There are two ways to enjoy crisp, clear audio in the church for our weekend Masses.

Option 1:  Download the app, connect to the church wireless network, put in you earbuds, open the app and you are set.  The WiFi password you will need to connect to our wireless network will be available at the sound system desk before and after Mass.

Option 2:  Assisted Listening Devices are available at our weekend Masses.  You can check out a device at the sound system desk prior to Mass.

If you have any questions contact Cathy Brady at email


Saturday: 4:00-4:30 PM

or by appointment

Both face-to-face or anonymous (behind the screen) confessions.

Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,Come spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already thereAnd unite myself wholly to you. 
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Scripture Readings

USCCB Daily Readings
The daily readings in English from the USCCB


Lecturas del Dia
Las lecturas diarias en español de la USCCB.

You may also subscribe to receive the Daily Readings from the USCCB in your email every morning.

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Presentation of the Lord, February 2, 2025

Staff Contact Information

Parish Main Line  510.547.2777
Parish Office: ext. 120
Parish Office:  (direct line) 341.202.0077
Rev. Robert J. McCann:  Pastor
ext. 121
(direct line) 341.202.0159
Rev. Ngema W. Enow: In Residence
ext. 128
(direct line) 341.202.0137
Cathy Brady:  Liturgy Director
ext. 126
(direct line) 341.202.0086
Rob Cakebread:  Music Ministry Director
        [email protected]
ext. 127
(direct line) 341.202.0139
Joey Gutierrez: Youth Ministry Coordinator.   
ext. 123
(direct line) 341.202.0134
Keri Nims:  Coordinator for Early Childhood Catechesis and RCIC
ext. 124
(direct line) 341.202.0072
Alicia Ortegon:  St. Theresa School Principal