

Lectors are called to proclaim the Word of God. They are a storyteller called to speak the words of salvation. The Lector prayerfully prepares the readingsthroughout the week prior to the liturgy. There must be a willingness to preparethemselves with prayer, study and practice. Lectors must have received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.

Web Terminal - Ministry Schedule

Login using your personal login and password to access your personal ministry schedule, update the dates you are not available and view rosters for Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altars Servers and Ushers.

Ministry Scheduler Web Terminal

Phone & Android app:
Download the Ministry Scheduler Pro app from the app store on your mobile device.  Organization ID: st_theresa

For more information contact:

Liturgy Director
Cathy Brady
510-547-2777, ext. 126

Safe Environment Training

All parish volunteers, 18 years and older must complete the online training where you will fulfill the training requirement of the Safe Environment Project.

Safe Environment Link